Mathilde E. André

PhD student in maths-bio

Welcome to my webpage ! :)

Currently a second-year PhD student, my research focuses on probability applied to population biology.
I am particularly interested in interacting particle systems and deriving scaling limits of random trees and graphs arising from these systems (genealogies, infection graphs in epidemiology, etc.)

I am co-supervised by Emmanuel Schertzer (University of Vienna, Austria), Amaury Lambert (ENS, Collège de France) and Jean-Jil Duchamps (University of Franche-Comté).
I am part of the SMILE team hosted at Collège de France, Paris. I am also a member of the Stochastic Modeling in Ecology & Evolution group hosted at LMB, University of Franche-Comté and of the Probability in Vienna community.


Email: mathilde.andre 'at'